Humanity stands at the threshold of a brand new paradigm.

A mass awakening is taking place, causing sudden breakthroughs in our understanding of reality. To awaken, is to become lucid, aware and conscious of all that has been hidden in the shadows individually and collectively. We are beginning to realize that nothing is exactly as it appears to be on the surface, and so begins the search for deeper meaning and truth.

Astrology is a system of understanding the nature of reality and our role as co-creators within it.

The sky is a map of knowledge and each moment in time carries a unique energetic imprint. Your life is intimately connected to the celestial activities that distinguish the cosmos at the time of your birth.

My role as an astrologer is to mirror your own Self back to you and guide you in the process of returning to your true nature. The sessions that I offer provide clarity on your life’s path through understanding where you’re coming from, where you’re going, and the lessons you signed up to learn along the way. Using your birth chart as a blueprint, we uncover hidden gifts and areas for expansion connected to your soul’s purpose and evolution.  

We heal the world by healing ourselves. We each have a responsibility to the collective to do this inner work for the planet, the people, and future generations to come. 

It starts with you.